Safeguarding at Buxton FC
Buxton FC acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of every child and young person who has been entrusted to its care and is committed to working to provide a safe environment for all members.
We work directly with children and young people under the banner of our holiday camps and various coaching activities. We are also privy to confidential information about potentially vulnerable individuals through our third-party involvement with children and young people (i.e. via Buxton FC Academy, children who are involved in youth teams we are officially partnered with etc.).
As such, and in all our activities, we aim to create an atmosphere where all feel valued and safe, and a place where their welfare is actively promoted.

The most important thing with any safeguarding concern is to report it as soon as possible. The team is here to support anyone who is worried, and will treat all concerns sensitively and with all required confidentiality measures.
Our full list of contacts with whom you can flag a safeguarding concern is below (please be aware that not all team members shown work full-time, however if you cannot reach the first name(s), please try the next name(s) down, we have set our procedures up so that someone from this list will always be available to help: