OWNERSHIP & ground regulations
Founded 1877​
The Tarmac Silverlands Stadium
Buxton. SK17 6QH
Tel: 01298 23197
Website: www.buxtonfc.co.uk
Email: admin@buxtonfc.co.uk
Twitter: Buxton_FC
HOME: Blue Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks
AWAY: White Shirts, Black Shorts, Black Socks
In accordance with the Football Association Rule 2.13
Publication of ownership in relation to Step 1 to Step 6 Clubs within the Football pyramid, we hereby confirm that the Legal Status of BUXTON FOOTBALL CLUB LIMITED identified by Company Number 02823127, takes the 'Form' of a Private Company limited by Shares (incorporated 1st June 1993).
Persons with 10% or more interest: David Hopkins
Members of:
The Football Association
The Derbyshire Football Association
The Vanarama National League North
Hon. President:
Vice Chairman:
Safety Officer:
Club Secretary:
Match Secretary:
D Hopkins
A Tomlinson
P Jenner
A Hughes
Assistant Manager:
Head Scout:
Goalkeeper Coach:
Club Captain:
Chris Brindley
David Hopkins
Tony Tomlinson
Rob Turner
Alan Robinson
Chris Hill
Mike Barton
Tony Tomlinson
Don Roberts
C Brindley
R Turner
E Wakeman
Craig Elliot
Ryan Qualter
Richard Boryszczuk
Josh Granite
Dom Lamb/Jake Shaw
Jon Stewart
Charlie Cresswell
David Bainbridge
Jake Loftus
In order to maintain a safe, pleasant and-friendly environment for everyone at the stadium anti-social behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in exclusion from the ground, potentially permanently, all at the discretion of club officials and directors
Buxton FC reserves the right to refuse admission to the ground, or any part of it, to any individual or group
Refusal to submit to a search will mean no admission or ejection from the ground
Alcohol bought into the ground by spectators will be confiscated
Anyone climbing over the pitch perimeter fence at any time without permission will be removed from the ground and barred indefinitely
No ball games, cycling or scooters are allowed around the pitch perimeter for the safety of other spectators
Air horns, musical instruments, banners or flags supported by poles of any kind will only be permitted at the discretion of Buxton FC staff. Any object considered unsuitable by ground staff will not be permitted in the ground
No objects are to be thrown onto the pitch
No pyrotechnics/fireworks/smoke flares etc. allowed in the ground
Any racial abuse will result in immediate expulsion from the ground
Please listen to and comply with any loud speaker announcements
Stewards are present to ensure crowd safety - they will be wearing high-vis vests or jackets - please comply with their instructions. Failure to do so will result in expulsion from the ground. Visitors are not permitted to wear items of clothing which could lead to them being mistakenly identified as stewards
Parents/Guardians are responsible for ensuring the supervision of children in their care whilst in the ground. Unacceptable behaviour from children will not be tolerated and they and their parents/guardian will be asked to leave the ground
Smoking is not permitted in the stands or any other buildings in the ground
Anyone needing First Aid assistance must contact a steward immediately. The main First Aid room is located in the Academy Hub