The Buxton FC Foundation (BFCF) is passionate about creating opportunities for children and young people to be involved in football and we firmly believe that finances should not be the reason anyone misses out.
We are working to make football accessible to all local families, subsidising fees and kit costs, which would otherwise be a barrier to taking part.
We raise money through a range of charity events, as well as grants and one-off donations from supporters.
The Buxton FC Foundation (BFCF) is a registered charity (number 1199080).
BFCF was set up primarily to help families whose children play for the Young Bucks and meet the criteria for support with the costs of training fees and kits.
In addition to this, we do support a small number of other projects and request for help locally too. For more information, please see the 'What Else Can We Help With?' section below.
If your application for support with subs and/or kit costs is successful, you will be rewarded a percentage of the total cost, meaning you pay a reduced amount each month. This percentage is calculated on a sliding scale, based on your income and the need evidenced by your application.
For example, if BFCF agrees an award of 50% for subs for the season, a payment of £137.50 will be paid directly to the Young Bucks. Your monthly payments will then need to be set up to cover the remaining £137.50 throughout the season.
If you are applying for support with something other than subs or kit, your application will be reviewed against the charity’s objectives and granted on a case-by-case basis (please see section below 'What Else Can We Help With?'.
Families with one child and a total household income below £27,500 per year.
Families with more than one child and a total household income below £32,000 per year.
Click this icon to open the application form:
You can then either:
Download, save and complete the form electronically and then return it via email to jennifer@buxtonfc.com
Download and print the form and fill this in by hand
return it by post to Jennifer McBain, Buxton FC Foundation, The Tarmac Silverlands Stadium, Buxton SK17 6QH
or hand it in a sealed envelope to Chris Hill (BFC Community Liaison Manager) who will pass it on
If you don’t have access to a printer, require any support to complete your form or would like this document in a different format, please get in touch – we are happy to help!
IMPORTANT, please note the following:
All applications received over the summer (2024) will be processed early September, when you register please select 'have applied to BFCF' on your form
All applications are treated in the strictest confidence
BFCF is a registered charity, regulated by the Charity Commission. The funds available are raised by volunteers and donated in good faith. Any fraudulent claims will be treated as such and passed on to the relevant authorities. We are here to help where there is a genuine need.
​If after applying for or receiving funding for subs your situation changes and you no longer meet the criteria for on-going financial help, you must inform us straight away. We want to make sure we reach as many people as possible and that everyone receiving support from us has a genuine need.
The Buxton FC Foundation was set up primarily to help towards the costs of training and playing football for the Young Bucks, however we can consider requests for other needs that meet our objectives:
To promote community participation in healthy recreation by providing facilities for the playing of association football and other sports capable of improving health
To assist in providing facilities for sport, recreation or other leisure time occupation of such persons who have need for such facilities by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, poverty or social and economic circumstances or for the public at large in the interest of social welfare and with the object of improving their conditions of life;
To relieve sickness and to preserve and promote physical and mental health through such charitable means as the trustees think fit;
To advance the education of children and other persons including academic, social and physical education) through such charitable means as the trustees think fit; and
For the general purposes of such charitable bodies or for such other exclusively charitable purposes in each case as the trustees may from time to time decide.
If you believe that your request fits one or more of the above objectives, please complete this form:
Can I get help completing the form?
Of course, we are here to help. If you have any questions about the form, please email chris@buxtonfc.com
How do payments work?
If your application is successful, funds will be paid directly to the provider to cover the agreed portion of the fees, you will then be responsible for paying the remaining amount.
For example, if you would usually pay £31 a month for 9 months (£279 total) and BFCF agrees an award of 50% for subs for the season, your monthly payments will need to be set up to cover the remaining £139.50 throughout the season (£15.50 per month).
How do I supply the supporting evidence for my application?
You can send photocopies, scans, screenshots, or clear photographs when you submit your form.
How quickly will I hear back?
We aim to process and respond to all applications within 21 days. Please do bear in mind that the charity is run by volunteers and that occasionally, if a very high number of applications are received at the same time, it may take longer to process yours.
Can I apply for more than one child?
You can apply for support for more than one child, you just need to provide names of all children and their teams on your form. If you have more than one child in the house but only one plays football that is fine, the higher threshold will still apply.
Why do we ask for copies of bank/benefit statements?
Our funds are raised by volunteers and donated in good faith. We have a responsibility to ensure that we establish a genuine need before we distribute any money. The supporting documents that you’re asked to provide are the simplest way to provide evidence that there is a genuine need. All of the information you send to us is kept completely confidential, your name is only seen by one trustee when received, after which everything that you provide will be anonymised.
What do we do with information we receive and store?
Full information about how we store, and share your data can be found in our Privacy and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) policy which can be viewed here.
Do I receive money into my bank if my application is successful?
In most cases, the charity will arrange payment on your behalf rather than transferring money to any individual. There may be exceptions to this, please talk to us before submitting your application if you believe there is a need for funds to be received directly.
How quickly will I hear back?
We aim to process and respond to all applications within 21 days. Please do bear in mind that the charity is run entirely by volunteers and that occasionally, if a very high number of applications are received at the same time, it may take longer to process yours. If this is the case, you will be informed of any delay.
We acknowledge all applications - if you do not hear back from us, please assume we haven’t yet received yours and get in touch with the team so that we can help you to resend your form.
Will I hear back if I haven’t been successful?
Yes, we respond to all applicants, whatever the outcome of the application is.
Can I apply for support with the costs of kit and subs for more than one child?
You can apply for support for more than one child, you just need to provide names of all children and teams on the form.
What can you do if I am not happy with a BFCF-related matter?
If you have a complaint, you can raise this via letter or email addressed to the charity’s Chief Executive, Jennifer McBain, sent to The Tarmac Silverlands Stadium, Silverlands, Buxton, SK17 6QH or jennifer@buxtonfc.com. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can escalate your complaint by contacting the Charity Commission, by whom we are regulated.